Goodbye 2013, Hello 2014.

As 2013 draws to a close, it is also time to take that extra moment to think of what the new year will bring and also to reflect on the hits and misses in our lives so that we know if it's the right path that we are trekking forward.

The new year is also the best time to make fresh new beginnings, undertake new challenges, love your family more, catch up with old friends, make new friends, and much more.

So here's wishing all of you, a happy 2014. May this new year turn all your dreams into reality and all your efforts into your greatest achievements.

Kaden's Surprise Wedding Proposal to Aerisha.

I always love the excitement leading up to a surprise wedding proposal. All that anticipation really gets one's adrenaline pumping.

It is usually when the groom / boyfriend tries to do all it takes to (gather help from at least 20 friends, rehearsed the walk-in on the surprise it many times) ensure that the bride-to-be / girlfriend will be pleasantly surprised.

So for this wedding proposal, Kaden visited Songs of the Sea Sentosa countless of times to meet up with the manager for discussions and rehearsals on how the surprise would unfold, gathered the help of at least 20 friends to give support to his girlfriend and last but not least, to bear witness to the acceptance of this beautiful proposal.

The day finally arrived on 08/12/13 where Kaden despite the rain decided to go onto his knees and propose to his beautiful girlfriend Aerisha - "And She Said YES!".

Congratulations to Kaden and Aerisha!



Family Shoot for the Loi's.

“To us, family means putting your arms around each other and being there.”
- Babara Bush

With all the memories we hold on to, the ones that stay dear to us are those of our family.

Family members will be by your side during trials, tribulations and triumphs. That's exactly why every family should make a family portrait that will remind everyone that they are always in your heart.

Here is a preview from the family shoot which took place on 23/11/2013 at Singapore's Marina Barrage.


This was absolutely a fun filled family shoot capturing the joy of the parents with their bundle of happiness.

Picture processed with Lightroom and Photoshop CS. Here are the gears/settings for this shoot:

  • Nikon D4
  • Nikkor 24-70mm f2.8 lens
  • Nikkor 70-200mm f2.8 lens
  • Aperture: f/2.8
  • Shutter Speed: 1/500 sec
  • ISO: 100

Have a great day!

'Kelvin Luffs Photography' goes live.

Houston, we have lift off.

After many weeks of planning, it has all finally come together. A dream and a passion finally turning into a reality today on 18/11/13.

Why specifically on the 18th one may ask - The 18th day of the month is usually very special for my wife and I. It is THE day that we chose to commit to each and have since celebrated many month-saries. Well, that's why I chose to incept the business on the 18th.

Below are 2 images of the successful business registration.

bizfile 2.png